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SF+ Silent Flow Plus Air Pressure & Vacuum Systems

Silent Flow Plus Range : Benefits

Extended range gives optimum blower package selection capability for any duty

“¢ Flow Rates: 100 m3/h (60 cfm) up to 9000 m3/h (5300 cfm)

“¢ Differential pressure up to 1000 mbar (15 psig)

“¢ Vacuum up to 500 mbar absolute (15″œHg)

High and Medium-pressure ranges to meet your needs.

Package is totally CE compliant and silencers are EPD compliant.

Reduced noise levels due to the efficient noise enclosure and a specially designed ventilation baffling


Enclosure capable of operation at high ambient temperatures; hot- air extraction by means of high

capacity, electrically operated ventilation fan.

Hinged doors as standard (sizes 1 to 3).

The belt tension is adjusted automatically by the motor weight.

“œPlug and Play” design, factory assembled package.

Easy access to package, easy maintenance.

Each package is design built to ensure smallest foot print.

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