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  • Ruim 25 jaar ervaring
  • Uitgebreid aanbod
  • Persoonlijke service en advies
  • Merk onafhankelijk
  • Maatwerk voor ieder vraagstuk

Welcome to Jansen Pompentechniek

Jansen Pompentechniek BV has been active in the pump technology for over 25 years. We are completely brand-independent and can therefore, offer and deliver the best solution for your challenges. Our main focus points are personal attention, service, quality and customization for every issue. We have extensive knowledge available in the area of various pump types, pump installations, irrigation systems, waste water wells and any other pump application within the field of fluid processing  technologies.

Pand Jansen Pompentechniek
Pompen Reparatie bedrijven

You can also contact Jansen Pompentechniek for parts, repairs or complete overhauls. Contact us without obligation, we will gladly inform you about our possibilities.

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